Molasses – Blackstrap Unsulphered


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Molasses, the blackstrap unsulphered kind, is a great supplement during the flowering stage of cannabis. Providing micro organisms in the soil with valuable sugars to eat, in turn, feeding your plants. Molasses should be added during the flowering stage once a week and at a rate of 1-5ml per liter of water.

Using unsulphered blackstrap molasses during the flowering phase will enhance terpene production. Your flower will be tasting and smelling better than ever. Molasses is also rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and other valuable elements too.

As starting with any new additive for your plants, start with the lowest dosage for your first application. Also be aware that the sugars of molasses can also attracts other pests, so molasses should not be over used.

Molasses is a by-product of making sugar and comes in the form of a thick, sticky syrup. Sugar cane juice is extracted and heated to form sugar crystals in a syrup. The sugar is removed from the liquid by product which is molasses. By repeating this process, the end product is darker and richer. Repeat it 3 times and the final by product is blackstrap molasses.

Why unsulphured molasses? Quite often, molasses is treated with sulphur dioxide which acts as a preservative, anti-mocrobial and anti-fungal when added. This is all bad news for your living soil.

More on molasses here.


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