Pump Sprayer


SKU: 10-505-025 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Spray plants efficiently with the Pump Sprayer. Simply pressurize the bottle using the handy pump lid and spray! The Pump Sprayer features an on/off trigger to allow a constant stream of nutrients and water. An adjustable nozzle allows growers to choose between a fine mist or a more direct spray.

Available in 2L, 5L or 8L models.

Applying Foliar Sprays:

Best practice is to apply the foliar sprays at sunset or just before lights off. If indoors, switch off all fans leaving your extraction running.

Apply to the stems starting from the bottom up following the main stem and then each side branch too. Turn the plant 180 degrees and repeat. Next, spray the undersides of the leaves from the bottom up while rotating the plant a little at a time until you’ve gone right round from top to bottom.

Move onto spraying the upper surface of the leaves from the top down also rotating the plant. The plant should be well covered by this time and dripping with solution. Any spots missed is a place pests or disease can hide.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

2L, 5L


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